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Mozart en de kids (3)

Mozart en de kids (3)

Codacapo laat dit niet over zijn kant gaan. Klassieke muziek is wel degelijk goed voor de mens! Hij mailde deze Japanse studie, die toont dat zelfs muizen reageren op La Traviata. En verder in herinnering brengt dat: ‘Music has an important role in all human cultures and has been found to have direct and indirect effects on physiologic functions and clinical symptoms. Music can improve performance of reasoning tasks [1], reduce stress, enhance feelings of comfort and relaxation, provide a distraction from pain, and improve the results of clinical therapy [2]. Since World War II, the use of music therapy, which is defined as prescribed exposure to music to aid in preventing or ameliorating physical [3] and psychological problems [4], has become established internationally in a variety of health care fields. These include psychiatry [5], drug and alcohol rehabilitation [6], developmental disability therapy [7], geriatrics [8], palliative care [9], general surgery [10], and oncology [11]. ‘

Maar dat beantwoordt nog steeds niet de vraag: bevordert muziekles de werking van andere cognitieve vaardigheden in kinderen? Het debat is gesloten tot er nieuwe inzichten zijn.

Abonneer De Bicker

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